Aspartame is Good or Bad for Us, it looks like sugar, feels like sugar and even tastes like sugar
(although it is 180 to 200 times sweeter). Aspartame was developed by the
B.D. Searle pharmaceutical company and it was initially promoted to the
public as a safe, fat-free sugar substitute. Advertisers made out Aspartame
to be as 'natural' as a glass of milk and an apple.
Aspartame is Good or Bad for Us, an extremely unhealthy synthetic chemical that is put in all diet food products such as 'diet yogurt', as a substitute for sugar. |
Years down the track that same ad campaign is still working.
Under the brand names NutraSweet and Equal (which I'm sure you have all heard
of), aspartame is consumed by millions of people who are under the false
impression they are achieving something good for themselves.
Aspartame is Good or Bad for Us Detail |
Why is aspartame bad for us? |
Aspartame is not a natural product. It's a completely synthetic
additive made in laboratories. Many studies that are funded by these
manufacturers, have reported 'no conclusive evidence' has been found to prove
aspartame is harmful. Of course the manufacturers of aspartame aren't
prepared to inform the public of this synthetic chemical.
If the manufacturer’s state aspartame is harmless, then why is
this chemical creating uproar of complaints over the years? I will give you
the answer
Aspartame is made up of three main ingredients. When you eat
aspartame, you are consuming two amino acids plenylalanine and asparic acid)
and methanol. (Just by these three names alone, you should be able to tell that
aspartame isn't a natural way to satisfy your sweet cravings).
All of the above symptoms are the result of methanol poisoning.
Although, the overall symptoms or side effects for aspartame (including
phenylalanine and asparic acid) are confusion, memory loss, extreme
irritability, severe anxiety attacks, mood swings, palpitations, convulsions,
insomnia, ringing in the ears, diarrhea, frequent burning urination and joint
pains. Studies have shown that aspartame may be a link to brain tumors.
Many doctors aren't aware of the effects of aspartame; therefore
treat the side effects as a disease on its own. For example, if you suffer
insomnia, chances are, your doctor will give you sleeping pills. This causes
even more side effects and more chemicals are being put into your body.
If you are trying to lose weight, eating and drinking products
with aspartame in them is the wrong way to go about it. Aspartame actually
makes you gain weight because food containing this unhealthy chemical doesn't
fill you up, therefore you won't feel satisfied and you'll end up eating
Aspartame is Good or Bad for Us, basically, this information is trying to make you aware of how
bad aspartame is for you... especially as you are trying so hard to lose
weight. The only way you can feel better mentally and physically is by
cutting out all products containing this 'man-made' sugar. For example try to
cut out diet soft drinks, diet yogurts, diet this and diet that (basically
any food or drink product beginning with 'diet'). Once again, many of us have
been misled and taken advantage of and used for many to profit from. 'Diet'
on most food products will generally contain this poisonous concoction... the
artificial sweetener. Check it out for yourselves; look for the ingredient
aspartame on your next trip to the supermarket!
And for goodness sake, stay off the diet colas, diet yogurt,
diet everything!
You'll feel a lot better, and if you're trying to lose weight,
once your aspartame intake stops you'll be one step closer to your goal...
shedding kilos and changing shape!
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