Understanding Influenza – Symptoms and causes

Understanding Influenza – Symptoms and causes

Understanding Influenza 

What is Influenza (flu)?
Influenza also known the flu or grippe, influenza is a common acute viral infection of lungs and airways. Influenza attacks respiratory tract i.e. nose, throat, and ear.

Flu can cause fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body bone pain and muscle pain, which are common symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. Some viruses can infect the stomach, cause vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, severe infections can also have viral pneumonia, or bacterial pneumonia due to pathogen infection.
WHO Report
The report convenes technical consultations in Feb. and Sep. every year to suggest viruses for inclusion in respiratory disorder vaccines for the northern and hemisphere respiratory disorder seasons.  At the beginning of the influenza season within the hemisphere. UN agency launched Associate in nursing in-depth multimedia system package on respiratory disorder. The intensity and speed with that it affected were virtually unimaginable- infecting simple fraction of the earth’s population that at the time was regarding five hundred million folks


·         The symptoms caused by avian influenza infection are roughly the same as other influenza. 
·         Serious or even fatal complications, such as viral infections, cause bronchial swelling, increased air resistance into the lungs, and difficulty breathing. 
·         Children's respiratory passages are small, swelling and secretions can have serious consequences.


·         Influenza is a disease caused by influenza virus.
·         Its transmission method is spread through bacteria, and
·         Air transmission is one of the main ways. 
·         Although the initial clinical manifestations of influenza virus are no different from other viruses, they are prone to mutation, so the immunity obtained from past infections cannot be sustained.
·         Each type of influenza virus is identified based on its different types of H and N. But this is a relatively simple method.
·         To fine-tune, you must break down the composition of its RNA (RNA). Influenza is divided into three types:
·         A, B, and C. among them, type A is the most popular and the most harmful.
Anyone who comes into contact with a patient or inhales in the air may be infected with bird flu. Since the avian influenza virus must enter the cell to reproduce, and its surface structure can only pass through the cell walls of several types of animals, the virus of the bird does not have the precedent of infecting humans. The bird flu virus prevalent in Hong Kong years ago is probably a kind. New varieties.


·         Prevention of influenza can be achieved by taking preventive drugs and reducing exposure to the virus. 
·         For those who have a high chance of exposure to the virus, the disinfection procedure must be strictly followed, or the drug can be used first to increase the resistance to reduce the chance of virus reproduction.
·         Amantadine prevents the influenza a virus from entering the cell, thereby reducing the severity of the disease.
·         In the case of avian flu, contact with live birds should be avoided.
·         Washing or washing live poultry should immediately wash hands with soap. In addition, the intestines and fresh meat of poultry should be treated separately and must be thoroughly cooked.
·         Do not consume the red bone marrow in the bones of poultry. Maintain a balanced drink, moderate exercise and adequate sleep to enhance resistance.
Treatment of avian flu can be done by flu vaccine. The current flu vaccine contains three common flu viruses. For A, B flu has an effect of 80% in a few months to a year, but people who have been vaccinated with flu are only two weeks old.
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