Blood Cancer is Curable in Female

Blood Cancer is Curable in Female

Blood cancer is curable in female, according to World Cancer Research Fund the highest ratio of cancer was found in Australia (i.e. 363 women per 100,000).  Standardized rate was approximately 300 per 100,000 in 11 countries (like Australia, the US, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Canada, New Zealand, Belgium, Hungary, and South Korea).

What is blood cancer?
Leukemia is generally called blood cancer. It is an abnormal hyperplasia of white blood cells in blood or bone marrow. It is generally divided into acute and chronic types. Children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia are mostly acute myeloid lymphocytic leukemia. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is mostly elderly people aged 60 to over. Due to the abnormal proliferation of white blood cells, it will reduce or hinder the formation of other normal components in the blood. As a result, there will be anemia, and the disease, bacterial resistance and bleeding will easily cause death.

Blood Cancer is Curable in Female

Symptoms of blood cancer
  • Unexplained fever and high fever are not refundable (fever for more than three days).
  • His face is pale, because red blood cells are reduced, hemoglobin is reduced and anemia is formed.
  • Easy to get tired. Children will appear limp or refuse to stand.
  • It is easy to bleed, such as nosebleeds and oral gum bleeding. Or due to subcutaneous bleeding, skin bruises and purple spots.
  • It is easy to catch cold and be infected by bacteria.
  • Lymph nodes are enlarged and usually occur in the neck or armpits.
  • Joint pain, especially in the upper and lower parts of the knee, is often mistaken for arthritis .
  • Organ enlargement, such as swelling of the upper abdomen of a child, may be caused by leukemia cells in the liver and spleen.

The body to produce a large number of normal blood cells do not occur when leukemia. In most leukemia’s abnormal cells are composed of white blood cells. Leukemia cells usually look different from normal cells and they do not function properly. The cause of leukemia is unknown at present. Some studies may be related to radiation exposure, chemicals such as benzene, and viral viruses are also considered to be one of the causes of leukemia.


Blood cancer (leukemia) may be reduced risk of developing by doing the following acts. Non-smoking is the best and safe way to lower the risk. Maintain healthy lifestyle with normal body weight.


Blood cancer is curable in female, requires immediate treatment. It is often necessary to give multiple treatments to prevent recurrence. Many patients with acute leukemia can be cured; the treatment of chronic leukemia is not as effective as medication for acute leukemia. Drug treatment often only reduces the symptoms of patients or controls leukemia.

In general, if acute leukemia is not treated, it will die in about 3 months and will not turn chronic. Chronic leukemia patients are mostly immature due to their blood cells, and if they are over a period of time, about 80% to 90% of chronic patients will become acute. The treatment of leukemia is mainly through chemotherapy, combined with radiotherapy and bone marrow transplantation.

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