The TSH Levels | Thyroid | Diagnosis

The TSH Levels  Thyroid  Diagnosis

The TSH Levels, Thyroid, and Diagnosis in the body indicates the functioning of the thyroid gland. TSH is commonly used abbreviation for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. Hypothalamus, in the base of the brain, produces thyrotrophic-releasing hormone (TRH) which stimulates the pituitary gland to produce TSH. TSH causes the thyroid gland to make two hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4). T3 and T4 help control number of human body’s metabolic functions including, temperature regulation, reproductive function, weight and heart rate etc. There are various factors which affect the TSH levels in the blood such as excessive stress, chronic illnesses, excessive physical exercise, alcohol, caffeine and smoking.

The TSH Levels | Thyroid | Diagnosis

The TSH Levels, Thyroid, and Diagnosis in the blood are controlled by a negative feedback mechanism. If the levels of the thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) are high in the blood, it sends a message to the pituitary gland to decrease the release of TSH and vice versa. A high TSH level in the blood indicates underactive thyroid gland, medically known as Hypothyroidism and a low TSH level in the blood refers to overactive thyroid gland known as Hyperthyroidism in medical parlance.

Low TSH Levels

Symptoms of low TSH levels are fast heart rate, excessive weight loss, increased appetite; increased bowel movement may be diarrhea. Fatigue, weakness, sleep apnea, increased anxiety, nervousness and bulging eye balls also accompanies low TSH levels. In case of high levels of TSH, depression, memory loss, muscle and joint pains, muscle stiffness and swelling and sluggishness are experienced.

During diagnosis doctor does a blood test to measure the TSH levels in the blood. The reference range is 0.4-4.2 mU/L for adults, 0.7-6.4 mU/L for children and 1-39mU/L for new born (1-4 days of age). High levels of TSH may be indicative of 3 conditions – an underactive thyroid gland or hypothyroidism, a tumor in pituitary gland that is producing too much TSH or not taking adequate medicine for treatment of an underactive thyroid gland. Low levels of TSH refers to overactive thyroid gland or hyperthyroidism, goiter also known as Grave’s disease, damage to pituitary gland, a condition known as secondary hypothyroidism or taking too much medicine for treatment of an underactive thyroid gland.

TSH Levels in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is also related with increased TSH levels. The thyroid gland in fetus becomes active near second trimester therefore for fetal neurodevelopment; thyroxin is taken from the maternal sources. Hence the TSH level in pregnancy is associated with high thyroid hormone concentrations in blood. Research studies shows that during a normal pregnancy, the reference range of TSH levels in each trimester are as following: First Trimester: 0.24 – 2.99mU/L; Second Trimester: .46-2.95 mU/L and Third Trimester: .43 – 2.78 mU/L. Therefore TSH levels are closely monitored during pregnancy.

Sometimes the blood test might not provide accurate picture of TSH levels or may not be helpful in determining the medical condition to start treatment. This happens if the patient is on a medication such as corticosteroids, levodopa, methimazole or heparin; if the patient has undergone a recent X-ray using iodine dye or any test using radioactive materials or if the patient is having severe stress or a long-term (chronic) illness. It is therefore advisable to tell you medical physician about any of these if applicable. He might ask you to undertake the blood test for TSH levels again once these variables are removed.


The TSH Levels, Thyroid, and Diagnosis are significant for normal functioning of various body systems. Therefore never take any of the symptoms lightly. Visit a doctor immediately to test the TSH levels and start recommended treatment.

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