arthritis Symptoms Causes, a systemic immune disease that repeats. The length of
illness varies, sometimes it does not heal for a lifetime, and sometimes it
suddenly develops. The majority of patients are women over the age of
40. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects joint parts, such as small
joints and large joints, and upper limb joints are the more commonly affected
Rheumatoid arthritis Symptoms Causes
Symptoms- When
I wake up in the morning, the joints are particularly stiff and need to be
active for 30 minutes before they get better. This situation will last
for more than six weeks.
- The
limbs (especially the small joints of the hands and feet, symmetrical on
both sides) are red, swollen, hot and painful. The severe disease can
cause muscle atrophy and joint deformation.
- Rheumatoid factor was
found in blood tests.
Rheumatoid arthritis Symptoms Causes are usually hereditary. The cause of the disease is due to impaired autoimmunity, inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joints during the attack, and destruction of the cartilage and bone tissue in the joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis Symptoms Causes are usually hereditary. The cause of the disease is due to impaired autoimmunity, inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joints during the attack, and destruction of the cartilage and bone tissue in the joints.
Self-treatment of
Rest and nutritious diet can help control the condition.
Rest and nutritious diet can help control the condition.
Treatment of
Rheumatoid arthritis does not cure; the first treatment reduces pain and damage and maintains its normal function.
Rheumatoid arthritis does not cure; the first treatment reduces pain and damage and maintains its normal function.
- Medications:
Regardless of the type of arthritis, inflammation is still treated with drugs. From aspirin to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids, although it can reduce the effects of pain, stiffness and inflammation, when taken for a long time, However, it may cause some side effects, such as gastrointestinal disorders such as tinnitus , gastric ulcer , stomach bleeding or gastric perforation, insomnia, etc. Patients should be aware of it. When there is any discomfort, they should immediately inform the doctor to reduce the dose or change the drug. Remember not to take the medicine yourself will delay the condition. - Surgical
If the joint is severely deformed and the drug fails, the doctor will use the replacement artificial joint to treat it.
If you don't get a doctor's test
early, the complications caused by rheumatoid
arthritis are not serious, such as subcutaneous nodules, dryness syndrome,
pulmonary fibrosis, nitrogenous powder precipitation, proteinuria, and
vasculitis. Serious conditions can worsen the blood respiratory system, nervous
system and heart.
- Rheumatoid arthritis normal
diet food should be taken of moderate light, may make up a multi- vitamin A , C , D , E , or containing calcium , iron , copper , zinc , selenium and other minerals food groups
in order to enhance immunity and tissue oxygenation or preventing
- In
the cold winter, keep warm; when you have joint pain, you can try a hot
bath to relieve pain.
- Check
with your doctor regularly and inform your doctor if you notice any of the
above symptoms.
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