Does Sugar Cause Weight Gain
Sugar is that the
generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, several of that square
measure utilized in food. Straightforward sugars additionally referred to as
monosaccharides, embrace aldohexose, fructose, and brain sugar.
Sugar, any of
diverse sweet, colorless, soluble compounds gift within the sap of seed plants
and therefore the milk of mammals and creating up the best cluster of
carbohydrates. (See conjointly sugar.) The foremost common sugar is
disaccharide, a crystalline work surface and industrial sweetener utilized in
foods and beverages.
People gain weight because of a simple equation
If you put in more calories than you use in energy, you gain
weight. So you either cut down on the calories, which is the favorite route,
or increase energy input, which most people don't want to do at all if they
can help it.
Does sugar make you fat or calories?
Empty calories to
be sure, but calories just the same.
Now hold onto your hat, here is something few people know or
understand. When your body gets calories it expects to get nutrition as well.
In the case of sugar it is disappointed. There is no nutrition with white
sugar and none is coming.
Evidence that sugar causes obesity
You will never
guess so I will tell you... It makes you hungry. Your body craves nutrition
so in the hope you will recognize its cry for help it increases your
All too often it only gets more of the same. More white sugar in
its many disguises...
So you are now on the weight cramming roundabout. More appetite
because of empty calories, more sugar meaning even more empty calories. So
your body pleads for nutrition and you keep giving it rubbish.
Stop eating sugar lose weight |
So to lose weight, to change shape, your first step is to hunt
down sugars in your diet and eliminate them. Look for sucrose, lactose,
maltose, dextrose, and fructose. Anything ending in “ose” has to be
ruthlessly eliminated.
Do this and your energy level will soar. It will go through the
roof. You will be a dynamo.
I know you are under the impression sugar gives you boundless
energy. That's what the advertisements say. Eat sugar for energy.
If you believe
that you believe in fairies at the bottom of her garden.
Sugar causes an instant insulin reaction and that sends your
energy plummeting as though it fell off a skyscraper.
By cutting out
sugar you will be increasing your metabolism
Metabolism is simply your rate of burn. Do you burn like a slow,
smoky fire of leaves? Or do you burn up like a blast furnace? Nearer to the
smoky old wet fire if you are overweight. But the exciting news is by cutting
out the sugar gang you will move nearer to the blast furnace.
Your rate of metabolism will go up and up! It will, believe me.
People buy fat metabolizing pills in the pious hope they will give them that
magic metabolism that burns off fat. Cut out sugar if you want them to have a
hope in helping you.
Experts believe
that excess sugar consumption is a major cause of obesity, diabetes
and many chronic diseases. Adding too much sugar in the diet causes health problems.
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